
St Martin’s Youth Theatre, July - August 2020

Performed live online each night, Us shows home life as it is.

The work captures micro-interactions between parents and their children, the beautiful, frustrating, messy, ridiculous, loving moments that usually go unseen, kept secret in the private realm and left out of grand narratives.

Us is an invitation into the living room of a family that’s not yours and a wild meandering tale of how you are connected to them.


director - Katrina Cornwell
writer - Morgan Rose
with - Julia Chilcott, Ashanty Joy, Paula Reid, Jackson Reid, Samuel Gaskin, Raelah Piata Lascelles Gaskin, Jessy Soliman, Noray Hosny
set and costume designer - Emily Collett
sound design and technical director - Justin Gardam
stage manager - Jacinta Anderson
production photos - Jodie Hutchinson

“Sets and Costumes, although hard to believe as most of the events happen in their homes, were skilfully created by Emily Collett. For me, there were two standout elements, the wonderful use of post-it notes, and the outstanding elegance and simplicity of the living room bed sheet tent/house..“ – ★★★★★ Theatre people

“This show is probably the first on this platform, that I have seen, which did very complex theatre making without technical failure… Us. is an amazing production which creates a sense of belonging in all of us… We are subtly reminded that, as we look to our own futures, there will be fear, there will be the unknown, but there will be space and light and potential.” – ★★★★★ What Did She Think?